Novo Nordisk

Brand Awareness Campaign

In recognition of the company’s 100 year anniversary, we developed a year-long integrated corporate awareness campaign pitch to drive brand awareness. Laddering up to a global platform of “Driving change for generations,” Together, we are more highlights Novo Nordisk’s multi-faceted commitment to more than medicine — to the science, innovation, legacy, treatments, patients, access, sustainability, and partnerships that make a difference in people’s lives. We brought humanity to the brand, tailoring our campaign to both internal and external audiences for its anniversary year and beyond, from consumer marketing to recruitment efforts. Color-coded circles bounce through the creative, showing the interconnectivity of the different facets of the business, reinforcing our togetherness theme, and ultimately morphing into our 100 year anniversary logo — a colorful pinwheel constructed of the areas of the business. The Together, we are more rollout and brand toolkit included application to print, digital, social, environmental, and experiential production, including animations depicting the organic collaboration of the entities of the brand. 

Agency: Titanium
Strategy/Content: Ann Jonas, Courtney Ryan; Creative Direction: Alene Jackson
Art Direction/Design: Alene Jackson; Animation: Pedro Peguero Jr.

Eva Society

